Parish Consultations

Consultation with the Parish is key. Nothing goes in the GNDP unless it has been evidenced through surveys. Our first Questionnaire was launched in October 2022 and the results published on the Grateley Parish website. The results are also replicated here. 

Further surveys will be undertaken, based on the findings of our first survey and published on this page of our website. 

The final GNDP will be subject to a full public referendum of the parish, expected late 2024.

First Stage Questionnaire


Thank you to all the parish residents who took the time to complete the initial questionnaire issued by the Grateley Neighbourhood Development Plan (GNDP) Steering Group.

The Group received 93 responses from parishioners, which are consolidated in the attached document. The results have highlighted the main issues of concern or those of interest to the people of Grateley Parish. It will ensure that the in-depth fact gathering and further consultation, which follows in the next 12 months or so, includes all the key issues for the Parish.

A website is being developed to record detailed progress of the GNDP and share news of events and milestones in its completion.

The local community plays an essential role in creating the GNDP. It allows parishioners to come together formally to have a say on the future development of the place in which they live and/or work.

To get the latest information or maybe volunteer to support the development of the GNDP please contact We look forward to hearing from you!